Only so much gum…

I’m doing the thing where you weigh yourself about 15 times a day. This is not good! Luckily I don’t get super discouraged when it hasn’t gone down, but I’m very impatient so I do get a bit frustrated when I haven’t lost any weight in the past hour. I don’t know what to do- drive myself crazy by looking at it too often, or drive myself crazy by waiting to weigh in. What do you think?

Another problem I’m having: no “reason” to go on walks. Being so heavy still I want to take it easy on myself for the moment and just get my exercise in by walking. The problem is that I can’t motivate myself to walk unless I have a goal, somewhere to walk to, something to get done. Walking aimlessly just to walk drives me insane. The only place within reasonable walking distance (before I work myself up to longer walks) is a grocery store, and I don’t have the money to go buy stuff every day. Maybe a pack of gum, but there’s only so much gum a girl needs.

On top of that problem I need some good walking shoes, the ones I have right now hurt my feet and ankles. My flip-flops hurt less, but they’re not good for my poor feet either. That’s what I am going to buy with my next paycheck! New shoes! Yay! I’m thinking hiking boots. That’s what I wore on my long-distance walk a couple of years back and I loved them. What shoes do you like? Maybe I should try something new!

Other than that it’s going well. My obsessive weighing-in has told me I am down another 2.5 pounds already since Wednesday, so if I don’t slip up it’s shaping up to be another big-loss week.

Here are some “before” pics I took (actually 10 pounds down already) on Wednesday at 332 pounds. My Plan is to take progress pictures once a month.

If anyone reads this and has their own weight-loss blog, let me know! Or if you have any to recommend! I’m looking for more people to follow.

Gonna go walk to the grocery store now! See ya!

